About Us

Welcome to Simply Circuits

At the age of 8 or 9, I began taking things apart to see how they worked. Rarely did things ever go back how they started. And there always seemed to be extra parts, which is still a family joke that haunts me to this day. ("Oh, those parts must just be extra") But as I grew, so did my love for fixing things, and for technology. At the age of 12 I tore apart our family's first computer, a 386sx, to see what was inside.(hiding in my room of course) Several months later I was upgrading the computer to a 28.8kbps modem, so that I could attempt to download pictures of lambourghinis and fighter jets faster because my sister kept picking up the phone mid-download. And no, there wasn't internet, it was all available due to BBS(bulletin board systems). I went on to take a two year course in electronics, and to get an associates degree in computer science in 2000. Since then no matter what my profession, whether working in Information Technology, or working in ministry at a local church, I have always had my hands on electronic circuits. I began working on everything, from gaming systems, to the random vcr (for those of you old enough to know what those are), to audio consoles and amplifiers. Then the iphone 3g came out, and I started repairing screens, then replacing batteries, and then repairing and replacing components at the micro-circuit level. I really enjoyed the fact that I could do what I enjoy, while helping people. And that's what Simply Circuits is all about. I do this to help the college professor who has their entire curriculum on a faulty thumbdrive with no backup, the teen with a gaming system that won't power up, the church with an audio console that has crackling or dead faders, the cable technician with a faulty signal level meter, the DJ with a fried amplifier, the trucking company with a bad ecm, the automotive repair shop that can't find the short, the RV service that has a burnt circuit, or the homeschool mom with a laptop screen destroyed by their toddler. All true stories. My goal is to make those repairs as affordable as possible, and as stress free as possible. I am a home-based business, to keep overhead down, that works around your schedule, to drop off your device if you're local, and mail-in service for those of you outside of the Tampa Bay area.

Contact me if I can help you with your broken device!

Looking For A Fast & Reliable Repair Service

Contact us now to find out more, and to get your repair started.